Ready for your closeup? The Sartorialist

sar⋅to⋅ri⋅al /sɑrˈtɔriəl, -ˈtoʊr-/ 1. Of or pertaining to clothing or style or manner of dress: sartorial splendor.

list /lɪst/ 1. A series of items written or printed together in a meaningful grouping or sequence so as to constitute a record.

If the name Scott Schuman is synonymous with The Sartorialist than you have been doing your homework. His distinct snapshots are not so hard to come by as nearly every fashion blogger uses them as a reference, at least twice. A true foxhound for capturing moments in street fashion that belong on the runway, this photographer is a style icon in his own right and was selected as one of Time Magazine’s Top 100 Design Influencers.

His portraits are ripe with a perfect mixture of backlight and the element of surprise. Each subjects is noticeable en route to an extraordinary extravaganza however seemingly flattered by the smirk they give Schuman as he snaps away. He captures the true nature of his subjects, natural expressions, unanticipated movements and honest individual characteristics.

Just as any great artist, his talent for capturing the perfect moment in style came to him unintentionally. He simply wanted to share photos of people he saw on the streets of New York that he thought looked great through his blog. I wonder if the sudden attention he received had him surprised.

Schuman is currently on a book tour for his collection of acclaimed images. It’s a fashion enthusiast's must have, this season and next.

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